OTX system

OTX system

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OTX System Documentation


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One of the best digital solutions and techniques for referral programs is the  OTX  16 Referral module. It is an accurate method that deals with qualitative recruitment procedures and becomes faster. An organization can demand recent employees to attain applicants for a specific job within their network using  OTX  16 Referral module. This lessens the time and money spent by a firm on employee referrals.


By choosing the Dashboard tab, you can see the home screen page of the  OTX  16 Referral module. The dashboard window provides a more user-friendly experience with additional looks and features. You can view the SKIP and NEXT buttons on the screen as defined in the screenshot below.


After clicking on the NEXT icon, a new page containing onboarding messages is visible to the user. So, by selecting the NEXT icon, the steps for the job referral program are accessible to a user. You will be directed to the main page once choosing the SKIP icon. On the open page, you can acquire the total number of referrals, ongoing and successful referrals separately. Moreover, we can see VIEW JOBS, REWARDS, and EMAIL A FRIEND icons in Level 1.


All the job positions are accessible to the user after clicking on the VIEW JOBS icon. We can see a number of open positions, job descriptions, total points, refer the job to a friend, and additional info in the Job Positions page of the Dashboard window.


Here, you can also share the job through Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, and more. By choosing the EMAIL A FRIEND button, a Send Job Offer by Mail is viewable to user. You can specify the email id, body, and subject regarding the job to the respective person in the Send Job Offer by Mail window. Once added all data, click the SEND MAIL button to forward the job offer mail to your reference.


After selecting the REWARDS icon, you can see the total vouchers available to the user. In the Rewards window, you can obtain total points for each reward, description, and possible to buy the reward.

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