OTX system

OTX system

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Incoterms are trade terms generally used in international and domestic trade contracts. These commercial terms are accepted worldwide for defining the costs and responsibilities between the vendor and the customer. In the  OTX  Accounting module, you will get a dedicated platform for the management of Incoterms under the Configuration menu. As soon as you enter the platform,  OTX  displays the available list of Incoterms in your system as depicted in the screenshot below.

Odoo 16 accounting

The preview of the list gives the details related to the Code and Name of each Incoterm. In order to add a new Incoterm to this list, you can click on the Create button.

Odoo 16 accounting

Once you click on the Create button, a new line will appear under the available list to add the Code and Name of the new Incoterm. You can use these incoterms while creating orders and invoices in  OTX .

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