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Analytic Items

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Analytic Items

The accounting entries added to an analytic account will be counted as analytic items in  OTX  Accounting. You can manage and create analytic items from the Accounting menu of the module. By clicking on the Analytic Items option, you will get the list of already defined analytic items for different analytic accounts in your system.

Odoo 16 accounting

You can observe the Date, Description, Analytic Account, Plan, Company, and Amount of each analytic item here. To understand it easier, you can use the Group By option, Analytic Account which will provide a view with the details of analytic account with specific analytic items included in them.

Odoo 16 accounting

This will help you to understand the items defined in each analytic account. You can manually create a new analytic item for a specific account by clicking on the Create button.

Odoo 16 accounting

In the Description field, you can mention a title for the new analytic item. In the corresponding fields, you can specify the Analytic Account to which you want to add this item, the Date of creation, and the Company. In the Amount section, specify the Amount, Reference, Partner, Quantity, Product, and Unit of Measure in the respective field. For Accounting details, you can add the Journal Item and Financial Account in the given spaces. Once you complete the configuration, the item will be added to the respective analytic account.

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