OTX system

OTX system

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OTX System Documentation


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Users can run the attendance marking of employees and evaluate reports with a well-equipped attendance management system in  OTX  16. Attendance management is an essential requirement for an organization nowadays.  OTX  assists the authorities and HR department with an equipped employee attendance monitoring system. You can acquire employees checking in and out times in a firm by using an attendance management system. The payment for employees according to their work time attendance is made possible through  OTX  16 Attendance module.

 OTX  16 Attendance

To configure employees’ attendance, you must download the Attendance module in  OTX  16. Users can view the dashboard once entering the  OTX  16 Attendance module. If an employee needs to log in to work, select the Check-in button in the dashboard window.


After you check-in, it is possible to access the employee name and check-in time as defined in the screenshot below.


Once completed the work hours, an employee can log out from the same page by choosing the Check Out button.


Here, a company can access the total work hours spent by employees. After an employee checks out from work, the manager will extract the time spent by an employee at work.

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