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OTX System Documentation

Help desk

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 122 views

When dealing with customers, it is important to ensure a customer support system in your company in order to grow your business effectively. Efficient customer service has to be a part of every company from day one. Offering the best customer support will help you to improve your marketing and sales opportunities. Meeting customer’s satisfaction and solving their problems without any delay is the best key to build a healthy relationship with your customers. The advanced  OTX  16 Help Desk module offers a dedicated platform to perform the operations of a customer service provider. This module will assist you in solving all business-related queries and complaints from your customers. Once a customer raises a ticket for service, the help desk department of your company can use this module to take necessary actions to solve the reported issue. Let’s check how this module works in this chapter.

When you open this module, you will land on the main dashboard of the module as shown in the screenshot below.


This is the Helpdesk Overview of the module. Here, you will get an overview of the major operations of the module. You will get My Tickets and My Performance sessions in this window. In the My Ticket session, the window displays the number of open tickets, high-priority tickets, and urgent tickets. The Average open Hours of each ticket can be seen here. In the respective ticket fields, you will get the number of failed tickets. It is possible to do a performance analysis using the My Performance session. Here, you can obtain all the necessary information to evaluate the performance such as Closed Tickets, Success Rate, and Average Rating of the particular day and last 7 days. Additionally, the Daily Target is also shown in this field.

You can use My Teams, Followed Teams, and Archived as Filters. In the Group By option, you will get the Company as a grouping option.


From the dashboard itself, you can observe the helpdesk team configured in your database. The details of each help desk team are shown separately. The details include the closed tickets, success rate, average rating, number of open tickets, unassigned, urgent, and failed tickets. Clicking on the Tickets button will open the tickets assigned to the respective help desk team.


Clicking on the three vertical dots given on the top right corner of the help desk team tab will open a new menu bar as shown in the screenshot above. Here, you will get a view button to view the Tickets. The Reporting option includes the Ticket Analysis and SLA Status Analysis buttons. This dashboard can be used to get an overview of the operation included the Help Desk module.

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