OTX system

OTX system

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Advanced visual search system powered by Codeekr Group

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It is possible to create a separate pricelist for the products in a Point of Sale according to the pricing strategy of the company. Using this, you can set separate charges and offer discounts to the products for specific customers of your company. You can create and manage multiple pricelists from the Pricelists option available under the Products menu of the Point of Sale module.

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The list view of this platform displays the Pricelist Name, Discount Policy, Currency, Selectable, Website, and Company. The configuration of the Pricelist is similar to that we explained in the Sales module. Under the Products menu, you can manage the Discount & Loyalty and Gift Cards & eWallets. This feature is also detailed in the Sales module. If you want to get more details regarding the configuration of Pricelists, Discounts, Loyalty, Gift Cards, and eWallets, you can check the Sales chapter from our  OTX  16 

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