OTX system

OTX system

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OTX System Documentation


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The Purchase management offered by the  OTX  ERP system will ensure to automate all purchase operations with maximum efficiency. Based on your stock levels, you can manage your inventory by sending quotations to vendors with the assistance of  OTX . In order to meet various business requirements, an organization must go through various purchase procedures on a daily basis. Considering this fact, management of purchase-related activities is a crucial process to run a business successfully. Having a dynamic ERP system like  OTX  will benefit you in streamlining your administration processes. The  OTX  Purchase module is designed in such a way that the user can seamlessly manage purchase operations, vendor, vendor bills, product updates, and many more activities within a few clicks.

 OTX  never disappoints its user in ensuring advanced performance by integrating the module with other modules like Sales, Inventory, Accounting, Manufacturing and so on. The Purchase module will act as a comprehensive solution for your organization. In this chapter, we will be discussing the Purchasing module in  OTX  16 in detail.

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